
In the center of Honshu – the main island of Japan – more precisely in the prefecture of Nagano, lies Matsumoto. With its slogan "The castle town of the Alps that smells of culture", it not only reveals a lot about its geographical location but also reveals the treasure that awaits the visitor.

Matsumoto Castle is probably the most famous and historically most valuable feature of the city. One of the most originally preserved castles, this sight, also known as Crow's Castle, is considered one of Japan's national treasures. In the light of the setting sun, the black-looking castle is bathed in warm brown tones, and at nightfall, it is lit up by several spotlights lining the moat. A spectacle for tourists and locals alike.

Over the centuries, surrounded by Matsumoto's growth, Nakamachi Street has all but maintained its importance as a bustling trade route. During the Edo period, it was named after the town' s center ("Naka" means "in" or "center", "machi" means "town"). Today it appears quite tranquil and only a few of the kimono and sake traders of that time are still to be found. Nevertheless, in other small shops along the street, all kinds of other handmade and remarkable art and pottery are offered, that invite to discover and shop.

Just a few steps away, the Metoba River winds busily through the city, separating Matsumoto Castle on one side from Nakamachi Street on the other. On its promenade, both worlds meet: that of enjoyment with a number of shops, stands, restaurants, bars and bakeries, and that of reflection with shrines and temples.

By following the Metoba River in the northern direction, one finds another treasure outside the city. In the shelter of the mountains and infused with constantly rippling waters wasabi is cultivated. At the Daio Wasabi Farm, for example, you can not only enjoy this peaceful atmosphere but also some not so spicy delicacies. With the wide range of wasabi ice cream, wasabi peas, wasabi crackers, wasabi spice powders, and wasabi pastes on offer, it quickly becomes clear that the real Japanese wasabi is not only a versatile but also very digestible tuber. Whether this is due to the peaceful environment or the loving cultivation ... who knows? After all, you don't have to reveal every treasure.

Japan, October 2019. | All words and photos by The Sturgheons.


Further Reading