a happy meal

Morgens früh um sechs kommt die kleine Hex`.
Morgens früh um sieben schabt sie gelbe Rüben.
Morgens früh um acht wird Kaffee gemacht.
Morgens früh um neun geht sie in die Scheun`.
Morgens früh um zehn holt sie Holz und Spän`.
Feuert an um elf. Kocht dann bis um zwölf.
Fröschebein und Krebs und Fisch, hurtig Kinder, kommt zu Tisch!

When we read this curious German folk tale, we always started giggling like children. The idea of getting the legs of a frog with crab and fish scooped from the pot onto our own plate seemed both funny and disgusting. It is hardly necessary to mention that the colourful children's book illustrations did the rest.

Fortunately, even then our menus, tastes, and recipes reached far beyond the nursery rhyme suggestion. Not only thanks to the many inspirations from cookbooks. The culinary delights of travel also shaped our taste buds and constantly expand them until today. 

Starting with the – so they say – most important meal of the day: breakfast. What is often neglected in the week's morning rush is celebrated all the more at the weekend. It is irrelevant whether a fruit salad or a hearty bread with spread is served. The most important thing is the time to enjoy it. The lunch table is then often determined by the one who has the say: our stomach.
And we say, "That's right!" There's nothing worse than eating something you don't really feel like eating, only to feel bad afterwards. So if there's any room left after a hopefully enjoyable meal, nothing should stand in the way of a little dessert, right!? A juicy piece of cake seems appropriate... well, if that's not the case, then at the latest at tea time. And if the decision-maker grumbles once more in the evening, a finely seasoned salad should put him at ease. To satisfy even the last hunger, how about a Fröschebein salad...?

At Home, when we think of eating. | All words and photos by The Sturgheons.


Further reading