round TRIP


Japanese wisdom says, "Nothing is more expensive than what you get for free." 

A nice greeting, a friendly smile, a helping hand. On our journey, through the middle of Japan, not a single day passed without the obliging politeness of the locals filling us with humility. 

Starting in Tokyo, where our completely tired eyes ached after an 11-hour flight, a young lady from the Wired Hotel in Asakusa willingly accompanied us to a pharmacy to translate our request – just to avoid any misunderstandings. Followed by the disarmingly cordial host of the Fujioto Ryokan in Tsumago, who never tired of explaining to us every evening the foreign order of the eight-course menus. The fatherly care in Kiso Valley was followed by the peaceful security of Mount Fuji, at the foot of which the people living there seem to lead a very peaceful togetherness.

Constant mindfulness seems to dominate the nature of these proud people. Mindfulness, not only towards themselves, their fellow men and their deeply rooted culture. Much more with the nature surrounding them and the appreciation and care of their treasures. This mindfulness was not hidden from us anywhere.

Thus, in addition to a heartfelt interest, it was the endeavor of Fumie, hostess and gallery owner of Nichinichi Townhouse, to recommend to us the most beautiful gardens, temples, and shrines in Kyoto and the surrounding area. For example, the Ginkaku-ji, where trees and shrubs were carefully tended to. Mindful care on a larger scale was shown to us in the Koraku-en Garden in Okayama, where many busy hands took care of the extensive park to show the visitors the beauty of order.

Order. Discipline. Decency. Respect. Consideration. Helpfulness. Kindness. What may seem arduous for some, felt rather liberating for us. These virtues make us humans and our society more peaceful, harmonious and worth living. The experiences on our round trip are proof enough for us. And so we will try to share in our everyday lives all the cherished qualities and appreciative gestures that we have been given in Japan. 

Japan, October 2019. | All words and photos by The Sturgheons.


Further Reading