
What do we think of when we think of Copenhagen? And what do we answer to the question of what is actually typically Danish?
Is it simply the Danish national flag in the national colours of red and white, presented in many places – called the Danebrog? Or is it pride in the world's oldest monarchy and the reigning Queen Margrethe? Maybe it's the Danish attitude to life, which is characterised by appreciation, enjoyment, cosiness and togetherness – called Hygge? Or maybe it's the thin slices of bread spread with butter and topped in a variety of ways – called Smørrebrød? Or is it the unmistakable, simple, straightforward and unobtrusive Danish design? Let's go to the Danish capital and find out together.

Here we are in Copenhagen. We immediately feel at home in the city, that welcomes us with bright sunshine and an enlivening late summer breeze. Everything seems to come so easily to the people here. Everything seems carefree and unobtrusive. Everywhere you see happy and especially young couples, laughing children and an incredible number of cyclists. Copenhageners often pause, laugh together, stroll along the countless banks and dine and drink on the water. They also know how to enjoy themselves. So they bask under every last ray of sunshine in seemingly evergreen parks, let their souls dangle and enjoy the moment.

The city's architecture is refreshingly unconventional, free and lively. Old buildings shine next to new ones, playfulness impresses next to straightness and courage enchants next to restraint. Historic Art Nouveau buildings, old churches and magnificent palaces stand in harmony yet contrast with boldly designed museums, libraries and galleries. Wide cycle paths lead through the city and connect the numerous districts and islands by means of architecturally impressive bridges. Few European cities offer such multi-layered facets and are characterised by the perfect blend of visionary design and sustainable preservation.

After our long tours on foot and by bike, culinary pleasures should not be neglected either. It doesn't always have to be a 5-course meal in one of the numerous star restaurants. For us, something simple and honest is often enough. One of the artfully decorated Smørrebrød is an obvious choice, as it is a national dish and can be found in many places in Copenhagen. And if the agony of choosing a Danish sandwich is not enough, there are countless other culinary delights to choose from. Take Torvehallerne, for example, a market hall that offers everything from hearty dishes to gourmet chocolate. And if you want to structure your day in a more classical way, you can start with a hearty breakfast at "Mad & Kaffe" in Vesterbro, have a snack at "The Union Kitchen" in Nyhavn and review an eventful day with one of the best pizzas in the world (!) at "Neighbourhood" in Vesterbro.

Honest, no-frills and straightforward. This is also true of Danish design. Everywhere in the city we encounter Danish design icons and internationally renowned furniture brands. But it's not only the big names that inspire us. It's the up-and-coming designers who are less well-known beyond the country's borders that take our hearts by storm. The small, fine manufactories that can be found hidden in the basement or a little off the beaten track. For example traditional brands such as Brdr. Krüger, which are run by the fifth generation and combine craftsmanship with modern techniques to create innovative designs with timeless style.

Copenhagen is considered one of the cities with the greatest quality of life in the world. For us, it has more than proven that. The city stands for attributes that we also value in our private lives: Unpretentiousness, subtlety, zeitgeist, a sense of tradition. In other words, typically Danish.

Denmark, September 2021. | All words and photos by The Sturgheons.

Further Reading