round TRIP


It is still quite early in the morning when we leave Copenhagen in our rental car to explore the surroundings of the Danish capital. The weather is already on our side, as the sun wishes us a good journey with its warming rays and not a cloud dims this impression. So off to Sealand we go!

Our first stop will be Frederiksborg Castle, one of the most important buildings of the Danish Renaissance. The way there is lined with lush green fields, early autumn golden hills and glittering lakescapes in which small villages nestle close to the water. A wonderful breeze always accompanies us, which – after one and a half years of abstinence from travelling – is not only balm for our souls but also for our bodies. And so we let ourselves be carried by the wind towards Hillerød and enjoy the peacefulness inherent in the landscapes.

When we arrive at our destination, the Frederiksborg Slot moated castle, which was originally built as a hunting lodge, impresses with the imposing dimensions it attained – especially during the reign of King Christian IV.
Inside, it is hard to beat the historical splendour and skilful craftsmanship, and we walk from one hall to the next with astonished faces. Conversely, countless portraits of former kings and noblemen, saints and angels' putties look out at us from vividly coloured paintings, tapestries, ceiling frescoes and porcelain tableware, as if to tell us of the wealth of bygone times.
The park, which stretches out behind the moat of the castle, invites us to stroll around with its well-tended Renaissance garden, small lakes and surrounding paths. And so we stroll along the old paths for a while until our way takes us a little further west in the afternoon.

Here, picturesque dunes surround peaceful Hundested. Not far from the town, amidst golden grassy hills, stands the house of polar explorer Knud Rasmussen. And just a few steps up the dunes, at Spodsbjerg Fyr, a wonderful view over the Kattegat opens up. We stay a little longer, let the last rays of the sun caress our cheeks and let the fresh sea air penetrate our lungs once more...

Virtually reinvigorated by the effect of fresh sea air on day one, we drive to the beach at Ishøj on day two. A seemingly endless white sandbank is lined with tall rosehip bushes and tender dune grasses. So we take off our shoes and socks, settle down in the soft sand, listen to the waves and the laughter of children frolicking around, and watch the seagulls showcase themselves on the shore. Hardboiled swimmers take a few laps in the cold water and look truly refreshed after their dip. We look at each other smiling and enjoy so much contagious joie de vivre. How we had missed the lightness of being, of being allowed and of doing?! All the more we feel a new, regained freedom right here and now, which makes us not only happy but also grateful.

Enlivened by the sea and the sun, we decide to go for a walk behind the dunes. And since this cannot go unenergised, a small ice cream stand on the promenade comes in handy. On the surrounding pastures, wooly sheep graze and look at us, smacking their fat cheeks. We look back lapping up the ice cream and slowly enjoy the approaching sunset.

For our last day with the rental car, we have saved the drive to the island of Møn at the southern tip of Sealand. If you believe the countless recommendations of the Danes, a natural spectacle awaits us here: Møns Klint. Snow-white chalk cliffs rising steeply along a pebble beach that is difficult to walk on. As arduous as the descent and especially the ascent may be, the imposing sight is worth it. Recommendation confirmed!

The steep coast of Stevns Klint – a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a paradise for nature lovers like us – is welcoming us a little stormier. Literally blown away by the wind, we climb down the narrow steps to the rocky beach, where the spray of thundering waves splashes against us. While squeaking martens seek shelter among the rocks, the seabirds sailing above us seem to enjoy the wild winds. Not only a few sailboats far out on the dark Baltic Sea do the same, but also we on land. What more do we need to be happy today? We can't think of anything!

Denmark, September 2021. | All words and photos by The Sturgheons.

Further Reading