
Homestory Part two

In summer everything strives outside: Our pale feet are allowed to break out of cramped shoes and get a little colour in loose sandals. And even the sagging leaves of our sun-hungry plants gratefully turn towards the warming light and shoot up rapidly at the window. 

In the evening, when – with a little luck – a light wind turns the tables, we can let summer in, so that it roams through our home four walls. With the windows wide open, the last rays of sun paint a fiery red sky, which only very slowly fades into the deep dark blue of hot summer nights. The light breeze then gently blows the leaves of surrounding trees from one direction to the other. So do the dainty, golden-coloured grasses we brought home from summer walks and draped in pretty vases. A piece of summer meadow for our home. 

In order not to completely succumb to the tropical heat of the day, we do not cook until late in the evening. Light recipes and small dishes are then on the menu, which are only too happy to give in to the longing for Oriental, Italian and Asian cuisine. Then the table is lavishly decorated with gorgeous flowers and all kinds of small delicacies. Rounded off by a refreshment or two in the form of fruity cocktails, ice cubes studded with fruit are now also being used. 

At night, 25 degrees plus creates a kind of jungle feeling in the bedroom. Unknown bird songs, the hesitant calls of two owls and a fox cry penetrate through the still opened windows. And every now and then the fluttering of small bats, which – barely lost inside – also strive outside again. Out into the summer night.

At Home, since we are living here. | All words and photos by The Sturgheons.


Further Reading