round TRIP


Expectations are a funny thing. You have certain images of things, people, places or events in your head that you expect to correspond to the truth. And if this ideal idea, this transfigured truth is not confirmed, the disappointment is usually immense! ... Or not?

Andalusia. The name of this Spanish region alone is so melodious that it immediately conjures up images of endless expanses, traditional villages and proud beauties in the mind's eye. And so one image follows the next, is extended further and further, then embellished and hung with even more ornamentation.
For example, eternal stretches of land are painted, lingering in the evergreen of olives, vines, cypresses and fruit trees, with magnificent haciendas at their centre. Whitewashed, with rust-red tiled roofs and lushly planted flower boxes in front of their small windows. Of course, horses are not to be missed. Steeds, rather. Proud steeds. In white and brown and deep black, with long manes and untamed tempers. Not to forget their riders. Stately men who, with erect backs, herd countless cattle in their pastures and look proudly over their land. And the Andalusian women? They are dressed in wide swinging skirts in black or red. They wear embroidered cotton blouses with fluffy sleeves and hats with wide brims. They ride their horses almost more proudly than the Spanish men – perhaps even at the head of a richly decorated procession, with the village churches ringing loudly and incessantly as they enter.

Maybe it is human nature to always have expectations of everything and everyone – after all, they are also reflected back at us. And this happens almost daily.

So the question is: can we free ourselves from expectations at all and are we doing ourselves a favour with prefabricated images and assumptions?

Well, reality deviated from the dream image of Andalusia in many respects. And the search for the proud horses and the even prouder riders remained fruitless, the prospect of a festive procession unsuccessful and the magnificent haciendas remained hidden from us.
However... there was no trace of disappointment. On the contrary.
Not that there was any need for compensation, but the unexpected little things made up for all the unfulfilled dreams. Small discoveries, funny encounters, breathtaking views, cute villages and dreamlike landscapes. All of these were visions come true that the inner eye could not have imagined more beautifully. All these are lasting memories.

And even more: they are also insights. That you don't have to look for the fulfilment of ideals in everyday life or while travelling, but rather keep your eyes wide open for the real images, enjoy moments, notice little things and appreciate the real time in the here and now. It is the one great realisation: that unfulfilled expectations cannot disappoint us when the unexpected can surprise us so wonderfully in reality.

Spain, March 2022. | All words and photos by The Sturgheons.

Further Reading