music composer

alexis dehimi

His incredibly communicative, cooperative, enthusiastic and witty manner makes it easy for the French musician Alexis Dehimi to constantly reinvent himself and his music and to get involved in even the most challenging projects. Read on to find out what lies behind it.

The Sturgheons: Please tell us a little bit about yourself, Alexis: who are you, where are you from, what do you do?

Alexis Dehimi: My name is Alexis Dehimi. I was born in the south of France 30 years ago. I live in the beautiful French countryside. I'm a music composer, music producer and sound designer. I make music most of the time for moving pictures. And I love doing that! I produce music for brands, TV campaigns, and movies as well.

With which attributes would you describe yourself?

Most of my friends and my mother said about me that I'm a dreamer. An awake dreamer. I think I'm a geek. All the things I like become an obsession for me. Listening to music, making music, watching movies and series, cooking, walking in nature ... I'm also very curious. (Is it bad, doctor?)

In which moments is music essential for you?

Music is essential for almost every part of my life. When I'm not listening to music, I'm writing music –  even in my head. I always beat rhythms with my hands or whistling some tones. When I need to be creative (except for writing music) I have some songs/artists/composers that I love listening to for every task or activity. I like it a lot to listen to nature and all of the billions of sounds that it offers! Some of them are making beats and tunes if you are able to hear them.

How did you come to do music?

Since I was very young I have been always listening to a large variety of music. I loved the music in all Disney movies! Fantasia!!! OMG. The Lion King! Or the music by Hans Zimmer! I remember the first time I was listening to The Beatles on tape! The harmonica from "Love me do"! I asked myself: "What kind of instrument is that?” And “Why does this music makes me feel so good?" So the music came to me first as a listener.
When I was 13 I was in the "Fête de la Musique" (a French national day for music) on the streets and I saw 2 guys (one drummer and one guitarist) same age of me playing a Deftones cover (I think it was "My Summer"). And I said to my friend Robin: "Dude! I want to do this! That's awesome!!!" This year`s summer I worked on the cornfields for making money and buying me my first electric guitar! And my friend Robin started to play the drums at the same time I was starting to learn guitar playing. The band was named "Les Neuronnes vertes" (English "Green neurons"). It was a Rock improvisation band with lots of Jimmy Hendrix inspiration.

Do you have your own style to create music or is your style something that changes/adapts/develops depending on the task, job or inquiry?

I do have my own method, my process to create. For every project I start with a blank page. In complete silence. Every new project is a beginning and a universe. I immerse myself totally in it. And when I finish a project I forget all about it! I can't play my own compositions a week ago I wrote them! I don't know why it is like that but it allows me to begin a fresh new start with fresh inspirations for the next projects. 

Is there an inspiring musician, director or someone else who has or had influence on you or your creative processes?

There are a few people who influence me. The person who inspires me the most in the world is W. A. Mozart! His requiem in Dmin is the greatest masterpiece of all time, all disciplines combined! But sometimes when I listen to it I feel so small! I think if he was living now, he would be a movie composer. (smiles)
When I listen to Thomas Newman's scores they remind me to let both emotions and silence speak when I write ... (Unlike Mozart's music does.) And in general, when it comes to all the people that make success and big hits I tell myself: "It's possible dude! You can do it, too! Most of them started like you, with nothing.".

Which aspect of your work makes you the happiest?

I am very excited when a director comes to see me with a very good project! When ones have sparked in its eyes and tell me about its film. This moment makes me happy! And of course, when this person listens to the music I wrote for his/her film and the same sparks show up this time.

How and where did you meet Thomas Blanchard?

I discovered Thomas` work for the Apple iPhone X commercial! And I thought to myself: "Wow, that's a piece of work! I need to work with this guy!" So, I contacted him on Facebook and I directly offered him to write the music for his next projects. And … he said yes! (smiles happily)

And which aspects of his and your own work in particular made you want to work with Thomas?

His creativity. He's a dreamer like me. When I write music for him, all is about perceptions and feelings. I like his sensibility, his sense of aesthetics and textures. And first of all, I'm a big fan of his works!!! I wanted to work with him for exploring some styles that some other projects wouldn't let me do.

Working with Thomas, does it mean complete freedom of mind or does he give you a specific briefing? Is both good, bad, or a welcomed challenge?

It depends on the projects ... Sometimes he comes to me and says: "Hi Alex! I'm working on a new video, a new concept. Can you make me a piece of music for red or blue colors?" (laughs) We're talking a lot before I start writing any tunes. We talk about tempo, textures, emotions, feelings, colors, concepts, food, planets. And when we're on the same page I start to write music. I like being part of his concepts and I have some freedom. Even when I`m stuck in his world. (laughs again)

What are your next topics/projects?

Thomas and I are currently working on top-secret vegetable and fruity project. (winks)

Is there anyone you admire or you've been always eager to work with?

If I could write the music for a film by Denis Villeneuve, David Fincher, and Tim Burton I could die in peace. And for the Cohen Brothers ... And making a beat for Kanye West and Jay Z ... And writing a song for the next season of Peaky Blinders! OMG. That would be awesome!

Anything we forgot to ask?

I am glad, you did not ask me for my favourite music! (smiles)

Our suggestion would be to sit back and listen to Alexis' music playlist:

France, May 2020. | Interview by The Sturgheons with Alexis Dehimi. | Music by Alexis Dehimi, Mars Octobre Music.


"Breathe. Quarantine Logbook" containment project of Thomas Blanchard and Alexis Dehimi. After the announcement of Coronavirus containment following the Covid 19 pandemic which concerns us all, Thomas decided to create a project on breathing. Covid 19 is a disease that, in the worst case, infects the lungs. Thinking about this situation Thomas wanted to work on the current context and he created an analogy between the lungs (which symbolize breathing) and the rotting fruits, vegetables, flowers and ice domes. By creating a motion loop, this gives the impression that food and flowers are breathing like lungs. Coronavirus containment deprives us of many activities. We stay at home and take care as best we can. The video games of the 70's/80's was a hobby during the health containment and Thomas had to put them. He reinterpreted Tetris, Super Mario bros, Pac Mac, Space invaders and Breakout with timelapses. Each product has been photographed every 10 minutes for several days or weeks, except for the ice cream and ice domes which has melted in 75 minutes. Music time is based on the average heartbeat that a human has when he runs out of air and the lack of oxygen creates an emergency in the whole body. Human beings have a vital need for oxygen. Oxygen largely offered by plants and the oceans. Thomas wanted to pay a sound homage to plants by integrating in the production of captions of various vegetables for the interpretation of percussion by treating their sounds with synthesis and sound design. Director: Thomas Blanchard​​​​​​​. Music by Alexis Dehimi | Mars Octobre Music.


« Oooh !! My Delicious Coffee » is an experimental dreamlike video rocking us smoothly through circular moves. The visual compositions have been created out of paint, oil, and Coffee. No FX, just shooting with coffee & paintings. Directed by Ekitaimacro | Thomas Blanchard. Co-produced by Ekitaimacro | Thomas Blanchard Greenlight Films | Paul Mignot and Léa Morel. Photos by Thomas Blanchard. Music by Alexis Dehimi | Mars Octobre Music.


« The Other Side » is an experimental dreamlike video rocking. The visual compositions have been created out of paint, oil, inks, and soap. The Other Side is an idyllic way to get in the eyes. The retinas of the eyes tear and we circulate in the optic nerves to see all the exchanges of information that occur when we contemplate the world. Directed by Ekitaimacro | Thomas Blanchard. Co-produced by Ekitaimacro | Thomas Blanchard Greenlight Films | Paul Mignot and Léa Morel. Photos by Thomas Blanchard. Music by Alexis Dehimi | Mars Octobre Music.


« -N- Uprising » is an experimental video that evokes the cycles of nature. The video highlights several species of insects and flowers on colored backgrounds. For 7 months, I observed insects and mainly the butterfly cycle where we see the caterpillar turn into chrysalis and then the butterfly out of the chrysalis. Directed by Ekitaimacro | Thomas Blanchard. Co-produced by Ekitaimacro | Thomas Blanchard Greenlight Films | Paul Mignot and Léa Morel. Photos by Thomas Blanchard. Music by Alexis Dehimi | Mars Octobre Music.


For its tenth anniversary, presents its new manifesto film, a hybrid showreel crafted as a short film. "Minotaur" is an enigma that we let ourselves be told, gradually profiling its theme and its values. Throughout the speech, from picture games to word concerts, the voice carries the spectator towards the answer, up to this famous device, so major to its creators. If this spirit had a face, it would be the Minotaur, the one who was born, who breaks free, who comforts himself and the one has expressed itself in each of us. Creative design & Production by CAPSUFILMS. Directed by Guilhem Machenaud. Script Editor Timothée Chevalier. Editing by César Abadie and Guilhem Machenaud. Grading by Tristan Barathe. Original Music and Sound Design by Mars Octobre Music. Composer Alexis Dehimi. Voice Yoann Launay. VFX Arnaud Ortmann. D.O.Ps Thomas Blanchard, Franck Brett, Simon Favier, Arnaud Schulz, Tristan Barathe, César Abadie, and Guilhem Machenaud.

Further Reading