

Those who are open minded about the world, who are not closed to the unknown, and who are willing to question prejudices, will not be able to escape the curious sculptures of QimmyShimmy. The Singaporean artist devotes herself with great dedication to her "creepy-cute" works, which reflect the multifaceted nature of her interests. In our interview, Qimmy takes us into her small normal world full of cuteness, art and curious humour.

The Sturgheons: Can you please introduce yourself: who are you, where are you from and what do you do?

QimmyShimmy: My given name is Qixuan but I often go by my artist moniker, Qimmy. After spending a few years abroad, I came back to Singapore, where I am born and bred, and has been based here ever since. I juggle two practices, one as a sculptor, and another as a UX designer in an experience design agency.

Is it so easy to separate the two? Or don't your artistic interests and skills sometimes flow into your work as a UX designer – and vice versa?

I think it is, because the nature of the two practices are just so different. Being a UX designer is about designing with people and the process is just so different from how I approach my art, which is a lot more personal and fantastical. I have never found a way to merge the two and I kind of like it that way. I feel like having two distinct practices help me to balance both more healthily.

Where does the artist name QimmyShimmy come from? Does it have a meaning?

I came up with it quite randomly when I was 16! I really love this illustrator from Taiwan called Jimmy Liao, and I thought it might be cute to just make my name sound like his! It was kind of silly but it just stuck with me since then.

What was your intention when you started as QimmyShimmy? Did you want a balance to your everyday work, or to go new ways as an artist?

I think it was a sweet form of escapism. I have always been making art on the side regardless of my day job. I do love both my practices very much, and am not planning to do art full time. My art is just a way for me to express myself in a voice that is uniquely mine, but for me I still want to make a career out of designing for people.

During the day you work as a UX designer and only at night you are the artist QimmyShimmy, right? But your sculptures are incredibly fine and detailed. How do you manage to work so meticulously? What drives you?

Thank you! I am not sure if it is age catching up on me, but I have moved my working hours to the day now. You are absolutely right on how it is really tough to work in the night – not because of the scale of the works, but more of the colours. I need natural light to work and get the colours and shades right. Now I just take leave from work to complete my sculptures instead of staying up at night.

What is the background of your creations? Where does your ability to create such unusual curiosities come from? Is it perhaps a love of baking goods, or sushi, or baby dolls, or horror films?

I think I have always liked oddities since I am a child. I always had a sense of dark humour and was drawn to things that are a little strange. But on the opposite spectrum of it I really love cute things as well, cartoons, puppies, etc. My work is basically me trying to find the balance between these two worlds that I feel strongly for.

Can you tell us a bit about the materials you work with and who taught you how to work with them?

I work with polymer clay mostly, and everything is self-taught. I seek inspiration from things around me, and try to achieve textures and colours by keen observation and experimentation!

Which of your works are you most proud of to this day? Do you have a favourite piece?

I don't really have a favourite, but I think my proudest series would be the SweetTooth series that debut in my first solo in the Netherlands. It was the first show where I managed to create my works as a set and was able to see how they all came together.

Beside Instagram and your website, where can one actually see your work today and in the future?

I am planning to do a few shows in 2021, one in Melbourne and another in Singapore. I am taking things slow that year due to the pandemic, but it's also a good year for rest and trying out new things.

Your little curiosities are certainly not to everyone's taste. What was the most beautiful thing and what was the worst thing that was ever said or written about your work?

Wow, I don't really know what would be the most beautiful. So many comments are wonderful in their own ways and I just feel blessed with every thoughtful comment or message I receive. I thought one funny one I received was when someone messaged me in broken english, and told me not to die because he wants to buy my art, but that would take a while as he is still a child. I don't know why but it really made me laugh.

The worst ones are usually from conspiracists who are misinformed about my work, and start accusing me of things I am not. I actually don't mind at all when someone tells me that they hate my work or that it is distasteful, I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But when they start calling me a cultist or a child murderer, it does get annoying very quickly.

And how would you yourself describe your work?

Creepy-cute, the best of both worlds!

Hand on heart: is there still time for hobbies besides all the work? Or to put it another way: what have you always wanted to do but just don't have the time?

Oh yes soooo much! I love scents and have been wanting to get into soap and shampoo bar making for the longest time. I would love to try that out one day. I have other hobbies as well, I play a little bit of Dungeons and Dragons and occasionally paint miniatures. A lot of people don't really see that side of me!

What words would you use to describe yourself? What is the person behind QimmyShimmy like?

Extremely practical, with a slight hint of weird. A lot of people who meet me in real life often say that I am much more "normal" than they thought I would be! Some would go to the length of saying I am the most "unartist artist" they know. I don't really know what that entails, but I know I am not the romantic, crazy artist they imagine me to be! I keep a lot of my weird fascinations hidden, and people usually uncover that side of me only when they know me better.

What is your best and what is your most unusual habit? What would your friends say?

That I sometimes crave weird food, like spicy chips with milk, garlic chilli with honey, the list goes on. My best and proudest habit would be that I am a very productive morning person. 7 am and I am up, like up-up, without an alarm. When everyone else is awake at 9, I would have already have 10 things done.

Is there an event that has particularly shaped you, or thanks to which you do what you do today and are. the person you are today?

I don't think I have had one particular event that has shaped me, but I am blessed with many wonderful events in my life. Graduating from school, living in Venice, Stockholm, studying in the Netherlands – just travelling and living in wonderful places and meeting the most amazing people. I feel that being able to marvel at the unknown, and be curious about the world, is what keeps me going in life.

What makes you personally happiest and what are you particularly grateful for in your life?

Rainy mornings and nice texts from friends I have not talked to for a long time. Maybe a really gorgeous rich bowl of soup on a cold day. Things like that are so simple but they make me incredibly happy.

Who or what inspires you most in your life and work?

There are so many artists and creatives I look up to my whole life, but I always point to my mother as my biggest inspiration. She did not grow up under good circumstances and did not have the same opportunities she provided for me and my siblings. But despite all of that, she is extremely resourceful, creative, and could make anything she puts her mind to.

What ideas and plans do you have for your future as QimmyShimmy, and for future projects? Maybe limited collections, exhibitions in certain galleries, collaborations with other designers or experiments with other materials ...? What can your fans look forward to?

I have a habit of not sharing ideas till I actually make them. So lets keep that a secret for now! I am definitely taking 2021 a little slower to focus on my design work as well as teaching. But I do hope to come back stronger and more inspired!

Singapore, January 2021. | Interview by The Sturgheons with QimmyShimmy. | Photos by QimmyShimmy.

Further Reading